Symptom / Error (开机错误代码) |
FRU / Action in Sequence
(检查范围及解决方法) |
101: Interrupt failure;(中断故障)
102: Timer failure;(计时器故障)
103: Timer interrupt failure;
104: Protected mode failure;
105: Last 8042 command not accepted;
107: NMI test failure;(NMI 测试失败)
108: Timer bus test failure.
109: Low meg-chip select test. |
1. System
board. (主板问题) |
(Planar parity.) (内存奇偶校验出错) |
1. Go to Memory
2. DIMM card.
3. Detach the expansion unit if it is attached to the computer.
4. System board. |
(I/O parity.) |
1. Go to Memory
2. Expansion unit or port replicator.
3. System board. |
1101: Serial_A test failure.(A 串行口测试失败) |
1. Serial
device (串行设备)
2. Communication cable (相关通讯电缆)
3. System board (主板) |
1201: Serial_B test failure.(B 串行口测试失败) |
1. System
board (infrared) (检查主板:红外线口) |
(Hard disk password was not set even though the supervisor password is set.) (超级用户密码已设,但硬盘密码没有设置) |
1. Set the
password for hard disk drive.
(设置硬盘密码) |
(Hard disk password is not set the same as the supervisor password.) (硬盘密码与超级用户密码不一样)
1. Set the
correct password for hard disk drive.(设置正确的硬盘密码) |
(Dead battery.) (CMOS 电池不行) |
1. Go to Checking
the Backup Battery
2. Backup battery.(CMOS
3. System board. (主板) |
(Time and date were not set.) (系统时间没有设好或混乱) |
1. Set time
and date.(设置正确的系统时间)
2. System board. (主板问题) |
(Configuration data was lost.) (CMOS 设备配置信息丢失) |
1. Select OK
in the error screen; then set the time and date.
(在 开机 ERROR 画面上按OK,然后设置系统时间)
2. Backup battery. (CMOS
3. System board. (主板问题) |
(Configuration error: Perform Checking the Installed Devices List before changing
any FRUs.) |
1. Check
device configuration.
2. Hard disk drive assembly.
3. System board. |
175, 177,
175: EEPROM CRC #1 error.
177: Supervisor password check sum error.
178: EEPROM is not functional. |
1. System
board. (检查主板) |
1701: Hard disk controller failure. (硬盘控制器故障)
1780, 1790: Hard disk 0 error. (主硬盘有问题)
1781, 1791: Hard disk 1 error.(从硬盘有问题) |
1. Hard disk
drive (检查硬盘)
2. System board (检查主板) |
(Incorrect password entered at the supervisor password prompt.) (超级用户开机密码不对) |
Have the user examine the password.
(请用户检查密码) |
(Power-on password check sum error.) (Power-on 密码有误) |
1. Reset the
power-on password in Easy-Setup.
(重设Power-on 密码) |
(The startup sequence is not valid. Suspect that power was off when the startup sequence
was being updated.) (系统启动顺序无效,怀疑是更新启动顺序时电源关掉) |
1. Reset the
startup sequence in Easy-Setup.
(在Easy-Setup 重设启动顺序) |
186 |
1. System
board. (检查主板) |
(A depleted battery pack was installed when the power was on.)
(开机时,机内笔记本电池已快耗尽了) |
1. Go to
Checking the Battery Pack.
(更换机内笔记本电池) |
(PM initialization error.) (PM 初始化错误) |
1. System
board. (检查主板) |
(Fan error.) (CPU 散热风扇故障) |
1. Measure
the voltage of the backup battery. If the
voltage is not correct, replace the backup battery.
(检查CMOS 备份电池的电压,电压不行时更换电池)
2. Fan (要更换CPU风扇)
3. System board (主板问题) |
(The configuration read from the hibernation area does not match the actual
configuration.) (从休眠区域读到的系统配置信息与实际配置不同) |
1. Check if
the configuration was changed. For example, check if the DIMM card is added.
(检查配置是否改动,内存有无增加等) |
(A read error occurred in the hibernation area of the hard disk drive.)
( 从硬盘的休眠区域中读写时,发生错误) |
1. Run the
hard disk drive test. (测试硬盘)
2. Hard disk drive.(检查硬盘) |
(Resume error.) |
1. System
board. |
1XX |
1. System
board. |
2XX (内存问题)
201: Memory data error.
202: Memory line error 00-15.
203: Memory line error 16-23.
205: Memory test failure on on-board
221: ROM to RAM remap error. |
1. Go to
Memory Checkout.
2. DIMM card.
3. System board. |
(Unsupported memory module.) |
1. Check if
the supported DIMM is installed.
2. DIMM card.
3. System board. |
301, 303,
304, 305, 3XX
(301: Keyboard error.) (笔记本键盘故障,301这个故障经常出现,往往是笔记本刚开机时,不小心
按住键盘所造成的,一般只要重启电脑即可;) |
1. Go to
Keyboard or Auxiliary Input Device Checkout
2. Keyboard.
3. External numeric keypad.
4. External keyboard.
5. Keyboard/mouse cable.
6. System board. |
601, 6XX
(601: Diskette drive or controller error.)
(软驱或软驱控制器故障) |
1. Go to
Diskette Drive Checkout.
2. Diskette drive assembly. (软驱有没有装配好?)
3. Diskette.
4. System board. (检查主板) |
(Diskette read error.); (软驱读故障) |
1. Go to
Diskette Drive Checkout
2. Diskette.
3. Diskette drive assembly.(软驱有没有装配好?) |
(Unacceptable ID was read from the diskette drive.); |
1. Go to
Diskette Drive Checkout
2. Diskette drive assembly.
3. System board. |
2402 |
1. TV Out
Card |
(2401: System board video error.) ;(主板显示部分有问题) |
1. System
board. (检查主板相关部分) |
8081: PCMCIA presence test failure.
(PCMCIA revision number also checked.)
8082: PCMCIA register test failure. |
1. PC Card
slot assembly.
2. PCMCIA device.
3. System board. |
(Pointing device error when TrackPoint is disabled.)
8601: System bus error-8042 mouse interface.
8602: External mouse error.(外接鼠标故障);
8603: System bus error or mouse error. (总线或鼠标故障); |
1. External
mouse. (检查外接鼠标);
2. External keyboard. (检查外接键盘);
3. System board.(检查主板); |
(Pointing device error when TrackPoint is enabled.)
8611: System bus error-I/F between 8042 and IPDC.
8612: TrackPoint error.
8613: System board or TrackPoint error. |
1. Reseat the
keyboard cable on the sub card.
2. Keyboard (检查键盘);
3. External mouse (检查外接鼠标);
4. Sub card (主板上连接键盘的子卡);
5. System board (主板); |
I9990301: Hard disk error. (硬盘有故障);
I9990302: Invalid hard disk boot record. (无效的硬盘引导纪录);
I9990305: No bootable device. (无可用的启动引导设备); |
1. Check that
the operating system is installed in the hard disk drive. If not, install the operating
2. Reseat the boot device.(重新设置可启动的设备);
3. Check the startup sequence for the correct boot device.
4. Check that the operating system has no failure and is
installed correctly.(检查电脑的操作系统是否安装正确); |
(Bank-2 flash ROM check sum error.) |
1. System
board. |
Other codes not
listed above. |
1. Go to Undetermined
Problems |